Dredging Operations

An average round trip takes 1 1/2 -1 3/4 hours to travel, 30 minutes to load, and 1 hour to off-load. Total time per load is approximately 3 - 3 1/2 hours per load. Close to 300,000 tons has been removed to date (2023). The dewatering pit is filling up quickly, anticipate it to be completely full at year end. Dredging [Private] is going well this year. The Private dredging location this year is on the South & South/Eastern side of the lake and will be followed by the eastern side of the lake in the area that borders the O'Krafka's residence ( Eagle Point ) and the Chute's residence ( North/East shore). During days of high wind in this area we will be digging in an area east of the big island, using the island as a wind break to prevent the barge & equipment from being blown into the eastern shores. Dredging started on July 21st and hopefully will continue through to mid November.  The average cost, depending on how many loads are being removed, will be $2750.00. Financial commitments will determine who gets dredged first and in what order.  

The PLCA's overall dredge plan takes precedence over private dredging. All personal requests should be accompanied by strong support of the Puslinch Lake Conservation Association. To make arrangements for private dredging, contact Dave Taliano at 519-651-1488.


The Dredge unloading area located on McCormicks Point

This location has been utilized since 2000

Interesting Facts About the Dredging Process

Most of the bottom of Puslinch Lake contains extremely dense clay. The barge, when empty, draws 3 feet of water - when fully loaded, it draws ( draft ) 5 feet of water and travels 1.8 km per hour.The container, or hopper on the barge holds five rock trucks full of material ( 175 tons). The rock truck is a six wheel drive, off-road dump truck which weights 60,000 lbs when empty.  It holds approximately 30 - 40 tons of material. The rock truck takes approximately 1 hour to empty, depending on the off-loading location in the pit.

The pit that is presently being used is reaching its maximum capacity, and is up to 8 feet in some sections. We have in excess of 1100 rock truck loads (38,500 tons) of material drying. Removal of material from the pit is one of the biggest challenges presently facing the restoration project. Dredging on the east side of Big Island will require a new area to dispose of the material, as the barge cannot maneuver with a full load over the shallow depths in this area.

The average cost for the PLCA to operate effectively per year is approximately $150,000.00



Dredge History

1997 - PLCA, a non-profit, volunteer organization, was founded to protect and enhance Puslinch Lake.

1998 - Pickerel spawning stones where placed near Harvey’s Island to promote fish spawning.

1999 - Andy Gemza was hired to compile the Puslinch Lake Adaptive Management plan, [PLAMP].

2000 - Started pilot program to dredge McClintock’s ski run and west by approximately 1000 feet.

2001 - 2004 - No dredging done these years

2005 - A four acre de-watering site located just south of McCormick’s Point was prepared. This involved tree removal  (Olive grove), grading and the formation of earth berms and drainage control gates. 

2005 - 2009 - Weevil introduction/conclusion by EnviroScience.

2006 - No dredging done but setup site was located north/west point dock at McCormick’s -15,000 weevils added.

2007 - Dredging starting in July and an order for another 24,000+ weevils in 3 locations, to arrive in June.

2008 - Dredging started in July at the west end of the south shore slalom ski course and worked eastward. An additional 12,000 weevils were introduced for two locations. 

2009 - Dredging near the ski area on west side - our most productive year to date. No weevils added this year.

2010 - 2012 - No dredging - waiting on permits

2013 - New dredging equipment/concept started on July 31st. By far, the most productive year since inception.

2014 - Continuation of Dredging area ( Bayview, S/W side of I.C.E. & along west ski course ). 

2015 - New dredge area - along the south shore (ski school course) with off-loading from the east side of McCormick’s Pt.

2016 - Dredging started on the 31st of August (major repairs were needed to the equipment). A large portion of time was taken up to remove large boulders in the channel; enabling a successful start-up on the east side of the Lake for 2017.

2017 - Permits have to be obtained from the GRCA & the MOE for continuance in 2017.

2018 - Another successful year of Dredging. Loads of silt hauled from the South/East shore area.

2019 - Mostly private dredging along south shoreline.

2020 - North Shore - private dredging,, some on the South shore and easterly shore and Eagle Point.

2021 - Dredging was done in the North/West area near Bayview. The PLCA dredged a deep hole/channel approx. 300’ out from the shoreline.

2022 - Resumption of 2021 dredging was completed and was followed with Private dredging along the Bayview shoreline.

2023 - Shoreline dredging started on July 21st. Water levels were up from all the rain we had received. The shoreline dredging in the South Shore area was paid for last year but not accessible due to very low water levels. PLCA funded dredging was at the tail end of the season. On Dec. 5th the last shoreline dredging was completed. We had a total of 180 barge loads taken from shoreline dredging and 40 barge loads from donations received through the PLCA. In total over 1000 truckloads of sediment was removed from the Lake bottom.

2024 - Dredging has come to an end. Pit rehabilitation will start in the summer.