This section is for our Puslinch Lake Residents both past and present.
The Puslinch Lake Conservation Association is a community based organization, led by a team of dedicated volunteers committed to the environmental restoration and natural habitat of Puslinch Lake.
Puslinch Lake’s small community relies heavily on the generosity of our residents on and off the lake to continue our quest to restore and save the lake.
Heading back to shore after many years of dredging.
Lake Restoration Program
The number one goal for Puslinch Lake was the dredging program which has now ended (Fall of 2023). Removing the mud, sediment, weeds, dead vegetation and all other debris did improve the lake water for easier accessibility. We need you, our lake residents to earnestly make a donation to the PLCA, which you can comfortably afford. Alternative ways to keep the lake semi weed-free are being examined and will be announced when available.